About Me


Coucou! I’m Cam, a young millennial living in France. I studied to become a French teacher, but ended up in France as an English teaching assistant. I ended up liking living here so much I decided to stay another year to pursue my second Master’s degree. I’ve lived in Eastern France and Paris, but now I’m based in the South of France where I work as a lectrice d’anglais. I started this blog as a way to record my memories abroad and to share what’s going on in my life with my friends and family back in the US.

This blog is mainly travel focused, but I might write some lifestyle posts once in a while. When I’m not in the classroom I enjoy reading, getting outside, yoga, cooking, and trying new things.

I also make videos about French life and my travels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwiKhvPBeiXY8zNmLzalv0g

My Life in France: Life Abroad

Why France?: The Francophile Tag